“Of course it all begins in innocence. A child’s fascination with her own ability to twirl a washcloth over water, a sense of power from mastering the climbing of a mulberry tree, images of life before the storm. Even that early, though, one can’t help but feel the ominous presence of power looming in things, power that enchants and moves, but also endangers, and sometimes destroys. ” —Scott Owens, author of Something Knows the Moment and other collections.
Mansion of Memory from Rank Stranger Press, sells for $11 (plus $2 postage). Proceeds go to Bright Futures Joplin Tornado Fund to help with rebuilding costs in Joplin, MO, Helen's hometown.
Please order a copy. Send a check to 2569 Wood Valley Road, Winston-Salem, NC 2706 or get one when she reads at Poetry Hickory on May 8. Thank you in advance.

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